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Labor Day and Another Chapter

Wow, another Labor Day weekend. The last three weekend of the summer. People all over America are enjoying camping, barbequing and just relaxing. Not Monner. I get to work on Labor Day weekend. It is my fault, sort of.

A few years, someone in the upper mid-west called the store and asked if I wanted to donate products to a knitting retreat. I didn’t even know what a knitting retreat was. Ivy explained knitting retreats to me and I decided, I didn’t want to donate to one, I wanted to have one. That’s where it started to go bad for me.

Ivy: That’s not a bad idea. Elaine: Where would we have it? Me: How about where Ivy worked, Cherokee Park Ranch? Ivy: Let me take care of that! Me: This is going to be great! Elaine: You need to slow down, let Ivy and I get this done. Me: Well, I can……. Well, I can……… Ivy: EXACTLY, there is nothing you can do, so let Mom and I handle everything.

We have now had, I think, six Wild West Knitting Retreats and I have found ways to be a part of them. Like the year, I brought spinning wheels to the retreat. Most years, I have been able to go shopping for wine and cheese for evening meet and greets. It didn’t hurt my feelings when Elaine told me the white wine I picked last year was “lousy”. My mom told my brothers and I years ago, “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” I think they would lock my mom up for teaching us that today. Don’t tell anyone, but I have used that very saying on the twins.

Anyway, I did some shopping for the event this year. I bought different white wine, because I’m nice. Elaine’s reference to “lousy” white wine had nothing to do with my choice. That is my story and I’m sticking to it.

Elaine informed me that she could take the wine and stuff up to the event. “I really can’t see any reason for you to go there. I can take everything myself.”

I’m not saying they have taken my excellent idea and made it their own, but they have taken my excellent idea and made it their own. They tell me the food is great. I am unable to verify that. They tell me, everyone has a great time. I wouldn’t know. Next year, I’m thinking I will just sign up. You should sign up also.

I have been dyeing yarn for the store, as well as some kind of show in Salida, Colorado. I won’t be going. I will be and have been dyeing the yarn for the show. Some would call that the hard part. (Well, I would.) Elaine and Ivy will take MY yarn on a mini-vacation. (The easy part.) They will eat every meal in a restaurant. I will take the twins to school, softball practice and drive by restaurants to go home and eat baloney sandwiches. Who’s complaining? Four days of baloney sandwiches never killed anyone.

Oh yeah, at the start of summer I left the construction industry. At the time, I didn’t really think I was leaving the industry. Well bids were lost, projects didn’t start and I found myself unemployed. It has been a great summer. But all good things must come to an end. The company that produced all the mall stories called again. “Monner, we need you tomorrow, can you be here?” Ivy’s prayers were answered. I am out of the store.

I worked a couple days in downtown Denver. I was asked to take over for a project manager that was going to have knee surgery next week. He didn’t really want me take over for him. He just wanted me to paint some stuff, carry some stuff, and take out the trash. I hope everyone has the opportunity to dump a trash can in an alley in downtown Denver. I’ll tell you folks, that’s a smell you don’t forget. Chalk that off the bucket list!!

I spent $58.00 on parking. (If you leave your spot to go to Orange Depot, you pay again.) I like the drive in the morning, but the drive in the afternoon/evening is not fun. Why do people want to crash their cars and block lanes when I want to get home? The new job offers the use of a hotel, but I think I would rather just come home.

Another chapter begins. I’m sure I’m going to have stories,

Our crazy lives!


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