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Semi-Perfect World

In a perfect world, I would be at the Taos Wool Festival with Elaine today. If the truth were told, my world is far from perfect.

My world is not even semi-perfect. At semi-perfect, I would be recovering from surgery today. Between my surgeon, my cardiologist, and my family care provider (none of which I knew a month ago) decided to postpone my surgery.

Elaine is the victim, here not me. (Did I actually say that?) If my medical team had postponed my surgery earlier, Elaine would have attended the Taos Festival and I might have even tagged along. Elaine hasn’t been to the festival for at least a decade and was really looking forward to being there.

Prior to opening the brick-and-mortar, Your Daily Fiber, attending the Taos Festival was as regular to our family as turkey on Thanksgiving.

I tried to get Elaine to sit me in the corner of the living room and go to Taos without me. I guess, she still loves me after forty-four years. I didn’t realize exactly how much Elaine has learned from me over all these years. When I told Elaine to just go to Taos, I will be okay, she started using “construction language” that honestly, I don’t remember teaching her.

We compromised by agreeing to find another festival to attend before Christmas. Well, she compromised and told me I would go with her. I would not be able to BLT (Bend, lift, twist) but I could and would ride along.

During all this commotion with my health, Elaine and Ivy held our Wild West Knitting Retreat. Beervirus totally changed the rules this year, starting with the location. Our venue ended up not being our venue at all. We were forced to find another venue from all previous years.

This year took three “mountain” restaurants to cover all the meals. Ivy was able to get back into teaching, something she hasn’t done much of since the start of beervirus. Elaine had a good time seeing a few of the regulars and meeting new ones.

Me? Elaine set me in the corner of the living room, the very same living room she wouldn’t sit me in and go to Taos.

I’m just as confused as you, right now. I probably should mention, Elaine’s sister was with me, so

I wasn’t really alone. I had a really good time with Carol, waiting one hour for breakfast to be served at a restaurant in Red Feather Lakes Village. Carol let me out of the living room. We both snuck out for breakfast. It took the “chef” over an hour to prepare a yogurt parfait and an order of biscuits and gravy. Giving the “chef” all the credit, which he/she deserved, we did order extra berries on the parfait.

Bringing the story back to me, which most of you know is something I’m not comfortable with. I will be taking a medical leave from construction soon. I will be confined to my TV, a computer, my recumbent cycle, and walking my driveway. I might try to read or write a book. I have thousands of stories we haven’t talked about yet.

I ordered a book from the internet. Just in case I want to read one. While I’m reading, you might want to get on the Your Daily Fiber website and order some yarn and stuff. Elaine is working on her website and soon you can order from it. Buy yarn!

Our crazy lives!



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