A Yak and the Doodles
I've been pretty busy this past month with the additions to our home/ranch. For the most part, it has gone well. The month has had ...
It's Your Day
Let's wish a Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers and grandmothers living or heavenly. You can decide if we are to include stepmothers...

Four-legged Friends
We made good progress in puppy training this past week. I can proudly say I do not have one single Band-Aid anywhere on my body. Elaine...
The Groundhog Lied
I've never been one to trust weather prediction to the animals, but some animal traits cannot be disputed. For instance, robins will not...
She Hasn't Sung
I was hoping to put a couple of my stories to bed with this week's story, but truthfully the fat lady has not sung. (If that offends...

Win Some
Elaine and I learned something this week that surprised me more than it did Elaine. Truthfully, Elaine has known it for a while. It...
I promised a story and here it is. I like holidays. I like religious, Hallmark, patriotic, and even scary holidays. Count me in on any...
Happy Easter
I want to wish everyone a happy Easter. I have no story that I am going to tell today, but next week , I have a doozy. Enjoy your...

The Calendar says it's Spring (Second time)
The calendar says it is spring but it couldn't be more wrong. Why do I see snow when I look out the bedroom window? When I woke up this...
The Calendar says it is Spring
As you can tell, my mind was/is racing this morning. However, I must apologize. I wrote my usual witty assessment of this past week and...