Hurry Up......Wait
Here we are, it's Sunday and I really don't have much to say. Oh, there is the usual stuff. Small Fries, the baby yak has learned that she can get out of the pasture by squeezing between the lower rails of the fence. That fires up the puppies who have decided it is their job to chase Small Fries back where she belongs. Oh, that's not the end of the story. The puppies can also squeeze between the rails of the fence to get into the pasture. When that happens Small Fies chases the puppies out of the pasture. The point is, there's a lot of chasing going on.
I haven't been involved in any chasing, and not because I don't want to. The truth is, just walking at times is more than I can do. If I owned a top hat and a monocle I would look like Mr. Peanut. I already have a cane. They tell me we should be able to schedule my back surgery this coming week. Not the surgery, just the scheduling. Insurance needs to authorize, this doctor needs to talk to that doctor, you know. So, I hobble around with a cane, screaming out every now and then from the pain that shoots down my right leg. I try to muffle my screams because Elaine comes running every time she hears me. It's actually quite nice, but until Elaine completes a couple of successful back surgeries on other people I'm not letting her help me.
In the meantime, the doctors are giving me painkillers. The real ones. As many as I want, as long as I don't want any. It really doesn't matter, they really don't help. If I take one at bedtime they do help me sleep unless the dogs want out.
4:30 in the morning I hear the puppies crying and barking wanting out. In the darkness, I look across the bed at Elaine, who is snug as a bug wrapped up in a blanket not hearing the (construction language) barking I grab my cane and head down the the stairs. I took my cane because having my leg give out and fall down the stairs didn't sound like a great idea, Elaine might not hear me and not wake up. I could lie there for hours.
The puppies did not go outside to do what puppies do. I was glad I got up. Until they came back inside and said, "Hey we're all awake, Shall we play?" Have you ever tried to stop puppies from playing at 4:45 AM? I turned on the television. Thank God, the television volume didn't wake Elaine. Giving her the benefit of the doubt; she will have plenty to do after my surgery.
OK, this story is done. I will have more post-surgery. I need them to hurry up, but it looks like I'm going to wait.
God Bless, Love ya, If you want to wait to buy yarn, that's OK.
Our crazy lives!