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I Hope You had a Wonderful Thanksgiving

Did you have a good Thanksgiving?

Mine worked out pretty well. As a family we did the turkey thing with Ivy and the twins. The adults did the cooking. Yes, even me! If the kids didn’t call me Monner, they would probably call me Turkey Man. OK, I am fibbing. Once again I let my ego get the best of me.

We had a non-traditional holiday; one that I would not recommend to anyone, unless I didn’t want them to have fun. We painted our basement.

I started my morning just like every morning. I made the coffee. We have a new coffee grinder, a really loud one. I love to wake people up with the sound of grinding coffee. (Yes, at times Monner has a little of the devil in him.)

It didn’t work, the kids slept through the noise. I looked around the living room and the kids did not even move. Yes, the kids are still sleeping on the living room floor, as a result of Flood Monner.

If you know anything about construction, you know, if you are painting, you are almost finished. Yippie!! We are getting close to the end.

I watched about ten minutes of a parade on television. I think it was rerun of the parade last year. Well, it looked the same. Now that I think of it, it could have been a rerun of the last ten years of parades.

The kids tell me they are new parades, but I’m not sure. Every year the parade has a bunch of balloons, bands, and people waving. I don’t know any of the people. The kids tell me it was the actors from all the current movies. I didn’t get to watch any of the movies. I had to rebuild my basement and write these stories; these things take time.

Hey, wait a minute. I saw the guys from “Duck Dynasty” on a float. It couldn’t have been a rerun. Hmmm, what do you know, I was wrong.

We did enjoy a Sipes family tradition (besides eating turkey). We took a walk along the creek that runs through our property. This year was slightly different. Every other year we have been able to walk in the creek bed. The creek has been dry by July in every other year. It was dry in July of this year, and stayed dry until Flood Monner.

Our creek has water in the creek bed, running water. Ask Elaine, she stepped a little too close to the edge and into the water she went. Not like you are imagining, just over the top of her shoes. (You guys have a little of the devil in you, too.)

Water in the creek is a good thing. I am thankful for Flood Monner.

I can’t tell the SBA story yet, maybe next time.

Our crazy lives!


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