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I'm Awake!

Well, I might as well write a story. I’m up anyway.

My return to construction is making me wish my foot would have taken longer to heal. I know, “Be careful what you wish for!”

Monday, I will start the fourth week of a project that will take only two weeks. I get up and drive two hours to a job where no one is going to be there to actually work. I make a few phone calls trying to locate the workers. After an hour or so, it’s time to make the two hour trip back home. They pay me for this!

The frustrating thing about my return to construction is the weekends. I get up early for my two hour drives. I look forward to sleeping a little longer on the weekends. Doesn’t happen! Dogs! I can’t begin to guess why the dogs choose me to wake in the morning. We have other people that live in this house.

Maggie (Great Pyrenees): Monner, the neighbors are feeding their cattle. I need to get out and bark at them.

Walter: (Great Dane/Pit bull): Maggie’s not barking enough, I need to help her. Lizzie (Great Pyrenees): What the (construction language)? Why didn’t you wake me so I can help bark? Walter: It’s cold and snowing out here! Open the door and let me back inside. I can bark inside. Maggie: Lizzie, I think Monner’s feeding Walter. Let’s go inside.

Lizzie: Nah, I’m going to wait until Monner sits down again. I’ll wait twenty seconds and then scratch on the door. Monner likes that game.

One would think with all that barking and door slamming another human in our house would wake up. To be fair, Elaine will usually get up, but this is my story and I’m telling it my way. So you see, I’m up, I might as well write a story.

Yesterday was November 10th. Your Daily Fiber celebrated nine years in business. (Just this second Elaine is letting Walter out to bark at the neighbors.) The day started with a trip to Urgent Care. Nope, not me this time. This time it was Elaine. Nope, her foot is fine. I wish we could say the same for her ear. (Elaine is letting Walter back in.) Elaine has an ear infection. The same kind of infection babies get when they are one or two years old. The doc suggested placing those tube things in Elaine's ears. He did mention he had never seen an ear infection like Elaine's in a person so old. (His words, not mine.) Maybe Elaine will do the tubes next week. (Maggie wants in, I didn’t even notice Elaine let her out.)

We had a string of new customers that introduced themselves to us in the morning. (Some of them asked for my salsa recipe.) Ivy signed up a bunch of new knitting students. Elaine signed up new weavers. Many return customers took advantage of the sales. Elaine sold a couple one of a kind, handmade garments.

Personally, I had the best time at the evening meet-n-greet. The musician played a solid two hours. I talked to people I haven’t seen in years. The food was great. (Thanks, Debbie! I don’t think Debbie reads this crap, so someone tell her.) Sadly, some of the old friends were sick and didn’t make it. (I wonder if they need ear tubes?) I met a cool young couple that Elaine reintroduced to weaving.

On the drive home, Elaine asked, “Well, what do you think?” I said, “Next year is ten years, we need to tweak a couple things, but I’m excited. We had good sales, we had fun. I’m doing it next year.”

Well, it’s snowing hard here. Girl Twin is at a sleepover with a friend. We live forty miles northwest of town. The sleepover is twenty miles east of town. I’m pretty sure this is not what I signed up for. I need to go!

Our crazy lives!


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